David HaMelech, Tel Aviv | Urban Regeneration
Quadrant IV New Building Design
Urban regeneration at the heart of Tel Aviv, David HaMelech street, next to Rabin Square. The preliminary examination of the plot showed an abundance of potential which allowed the planning of a luxurious residential building with office spaces and modern facilities.
התחדשות עירונית בתל אביב ברחוב שילה, סמוך לכיכר רבין. בדיקת ההתכנות זכויות רבות ליזם אשר מאפשרות לא רק דירות החזר מורחבות לבעלי הדירות הנוכחיים אלא גם מפרט עשיר לדירות, לוביים מפוארים, חזיתות מטופחות וגינון משמעותי
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תכנון ועיצוב בניין חדש בן 7.5 קומות לאחר הריסת מבנה מגורים קיים בן 4 קומות. לפי תכנית 3616/א, רובע 4 ת"א
A new building design according to Quadrant IV specifications with 7.5 floors, 42 residential units, 3 garden apartments and 2 penthouses. In addition, The garden apartments includes underground areas suitable for offices or service areas for the units.
Analyzing the potential of the plot led to the volume of the building as dictated by the Quadrant IV rules of the city of Tel Aviv. 7.5 floors of a luxurious building with over 40 apartments and all the facilities of a modern structure.
Near by the famous Rabin Square, the busy Iben Gevirol street and the quiet and intimate Shilo street a unique compound awaits the opportunity for a renewal.
Instead of an old and decaying building there is an option to build a new, modern and luxurious building. The tenants agree for an urban regeneration plan which demolishes the current building and building a new one instead. The new building will be slightly bigger and the profit from the extra apartments will fund the projects entirely so the current apartment owners will not have to spend a dime.
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The apartment owners at the compound come together and formed a committee. Together they have reviewed offers received by several companies and agreed on one. This company will not only take upon itself to demolish and rebuild but also to fund the current tenants accommodations for the whole construction period.
Analyzing the potential of the plot led to the volume of the building as dictated by the Quadrant III rules of the city of Tel Aviv : A Commercial facade on Ben Yehuda street, a residential entrance on Rupin street and a total of floors building with over 40 apartments. The core of course contains elevators, storage spaces and technical